Residential Development

Bayview Open Space System - Project

Airdrie, Alberta
The third installment of the highly successful Airdrie residential development 'Boyside', Bayview will be the most open space rich and 'green' of the three Genesis communities. L A West was responsible for designing a functional linear open space system that would accept and convey almost 80% of the communities storm runoff.

The linear parks will make use of a unique network of bio-swoles and infiltration zones all while providing an aesthetically enhanced and functional trail system for the residents of Bayview and surrounding neighborhoods.


Legacy - Project

Calgary, Alberta
Perched atop escarpments overlooking the Pine Creek and Bow River corridors, the natural beauty of the Legacy lands is striking. Care has been token to design the Legacy development in concert with the environment; to compliment the beauty of Legacy's natural amenities.

As port of the outline plan approval for Legacy, extensive open space and park planning has been undertaken by LA West. Intended to be a walkable, pedestrian oriented community, an integrated network of linear parks, greenways and intimate streescapes comprise the heart of Legacy's character.

Architectural features, signage, community identity and theming are the other major design elements taken into account in the landscape design analysis.


North Stoney Regional Policy Plan - Project

Calgary, Alberta
LA West is the lone landscape architectural firm on the multi-disciplinary consultant team assigned to establish a macro-level policy document for Carma's portion of the North Stoney RPP. Lead by Brown and Associates, the project team is charged with analyzing Carma's land holdings within the region (nearly 3000 acres) and building regional and community scale plans for City / County approval and ultimately, implementation.

Literally forming the main interface with Rocky View County along Calgary's northern boundary, the North Stoney lands are understandably high in profile to a number of various stakeholders. LA West has already participated in and administered several public forums and design charettes intended to gather valuable information for incorporation to this planning document.


Panorama Hills - Project

Calgary, Alberta
Scott Wright developed an open space design document for this established north Calgary community while it was still in its infancy. Genstar Development Company requested a document that would form the basic framework for their landscape architectural contrals and provide substantial marketing power.

The document established important design criteria for Panorama's open system such as recreational programming, linear trail connections, signage and way-finding, environmental conservation (Beddington Creek ER System), and community theme development.

Today, Scotts vision can be dearly seen in its entirety on a casual walk or drive through the Panorama area.


Redstone - Project

Calgary, Alberta
With its identity founded on active outdoor lifestyle, this northeast neighborhood's core is comprised of a significant open space system designed with pedestrian connectivity, fitness and active recreational in mind. The park network is intended to link local residents with the various commercial and neighborhood nodes located within the community.

LA West was asked to accommodate these basic pedestrian necessities while still providing a vibrant and aesthetic experience for the end user. As with most of our community projects, the open space master plan established the primary identity for Redstone. Planning, engineering and architectural designs were influenced by the landscape architecture.


Valley Ridge - Sweet Lands - Project

Calgary, Alberta
Located adjacent to the Trans Canada Highway and near the western boundary between the Calgary and Rocky View County, one of the last remnants of the Valley Ridge development, the Sweet Lands, will provide a pristine natural open space system full of breath taking views and interesting trail experiences.

LA West and Brown and Associates needed to consider the interface between the active recreational network of Valley Ridge and the environmental open space system that surrounds it. The areas topography and hydrology were especially important in establishing appropriate MR / ER boundaries and locating passive recreational nodes.

The resulting master plan will provide future residents with a valuable recreational system and access to a host of natural amenities.


Walden - Project

The new south Calgary community of Walden is a professionally designed and master planned development with a !fOCUS on contemporary prairie architectural style The des.ign inte.nt wa to create a unique, aesthetically enhanced environment while staYing true to the underlying theme of sustainability.

L A West has created and started to implement an innovative LID master plan into Walden's open space system. This plan includes sensitive planning to accommodate existing natural amenities, storm water management techniques, wetland preservation and reconstruction as well alternative energy sources. This long term, large scale development is one our most interesting and rewarding projects
